perjantai 6. tammikuuta 2012

Gossip Girls

Gossiping about others is one form of bullying.
I've faced a lot of it recently, and decided to say something. How do you feel if the others talk shit abt you behind ur back? We've all faced it least once in our lives for sure. It's not very nice to hear ur friend telling you: Did you know what these people talk about you?
Would be nicer if you didn't know about it, right?

Let's all get a grip now. Let's try to get through the day without talking shit/gossiping about each other.
This world is a one community, we're all meant to live as one, not to fight against each other.
we already have wars, violence, poverty, sadness and homophobia. Why should we cause more pain, when we can help each other and be nice with one another?
The lecture of the week ;DD


P.s I'll try to figure out something fashion/style things for the next post. :)

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